Place the Filter Reset Button inline with the Filter Fields



Machine, BodyCommerce, Ajax Filter


This code snippet places your filter reset button inline with the filter fields. To use this, your filter location needs to be set to fullwidth and placed above your archive loop. The CSS is heavily commented to help you adjust the location and spacing perfectly.

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Divi Filter inline reset button



This snippet will place the reset button inline with your filter fields. Place the code in either your Theme Options, or the Custom CSS area in the Filter Module. To fine tune the location or spacing of the button adjust the margin-top, see the comments in the CSS code for more information.

Language: CSS

Where to add: Divi Module Advanced Tab

                        /* Desktop Styles (Default) */

/* Ensure the reset button is visible and reset margins/padding */
.reset-filters {
    display: inline-block !important; /* Make sure the reset button is displayed as an inline block */
    margin: 0; /* Remove any default margin */
    padding: 0 20px; /* Adjust horizontal padding as needed for better spacing */
    height: 40px; /* Match the height of the dropdowns for consistency */
    line-height: 40px; /* Vertically center text within the button */
    box-sizing: border-box; /* Include padding and border in the element's total width and height */
    /* Adjust vertical position */
    margin-top: -2px; /* Move the button slightly up or down by changing this value to align perfectly */
    /* Alternatively, use transform for finer adjustments */
    /* transform: translateY(-2px); */

/* Set the main filter container to use full width and align items */
#divi_filter {
    display: flex; /* Use flexbox for easy alignment and layout */
    flex-wrap: wrap; /* Allow items to wrap to the next line if needed */
    align-items: center; /* Vertically center items within the container */
    width: 100%; /* Take full width of the parent container */
    box-sizing: border-box; /* Include padding and border in the element's total width */
    margin: 0; /* Remove any default margin */
    padding: 0; /* Remove any default padding */

/* Adjust the form to fill available space and align items */
#divi_filter form {
    display: flex; /* Use flexbox to align the form elements */
    flex: 1; /* Allow the form to grow and fill available space */
    flex-wrap: wrap; /* Wrap elements if needed */
    align-items: center; /* Vertically center items within the form */
    margin: 0; /* Remove any default margin */
    padding: 0; /* Remove any default padding */

/* Set each dropdown module to share space equally */
#divi_filter .divi-filter-containter .et_pb_module {
    flex: 1; /* Allow each dropdown to grow and share available space equally */
    min-width: 200px; /* Set a minimum width to ensure dropdowns are usable */
    margin-right: 20px; /* Add space between each dropdown module */
    box-sizing: border-box; /* Include padding and border in the element's total width */

/* Ensure the dropdowns have consistent height and vertical alignment */
.divi-filter-item select {
    height: 40px; /* Match the height of the reset button for consistency */
    margin: 0; /* Remove any default margin */
    padding: 0 10px; /* Add horizontal padding for better usability */
    box-sizing: border-box; /* Include padding and border in the element's total width */

/* Adjust the reset button container to align items */
#divi_filter .button_container {
    display: flex; /* Use flexbox for alignment */
    align-items: center; /* Vertically center the reset button within the container */
    margin-left: 20px; /* Add space to the left of the reset button */
    padding: 0; /* Remove any default padding */
    /* Remove margin-left: auto; if it pushes the button too far right */
    /* margin-left: auto; */

/* Remove any floating and alignment styles that may cause misalignment */
.button_container.align_reset_right {
    float: none; /* Remove floating to prevent misalignment */
    text-align: right; /* Align text to the right if needed */
    margin: 0; /* Remove any default margin */

/* Optional: Adjust the title (label) alignment */
.et_pb_contact_field_options_title {
    margin: 0 0 5px 0; /* Adjust margins to control spacing around the label */
    line-height: normal; /* Set line height to normal for consistent spacing */

/* Media Queries for Responsive Design */

/* Media query for smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 768px) {
    /* Stack elements vertically on smaller screens */
    #divi_filter {
        flex-direction: column; /* Change flex direction to stack elements vertically */
        align-items: stretch; /* Stretch items to take full width */

    #divi_filter form {
        flex-direction: column; /* Stack form elements vertically */

    #divi_filter .divi-filter-containter .et_pb_module {
        margin-right: 0; /* Remove right margin to avoid overflow */
        margin-bottom: 15px; /* Add space between dropdowns when stacked */

    /* Center the reset button on smaller screens */
    #divi_filter .button_container {
        margin-left: 0; /* Remove left margin to center the button */
        align-self: center; /* Center the reset button within its container */
        margin-top: 10px; /* Add space above the reset button for better spacing */
        width: 100%; /* Ensure the button takes full width if needed */

    /* Adjust widths to ensure elements fill the container */
    #divi_filter .divi-filter-containter .et_pb_module,
    #divi_filter .button_container {
        width: 100%; /* Make elements take full width of the container */


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